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Draws & Ladders

To see the Draw:

Go to:
Click in Find Competition and type in your Competition name:
ie SJRU U10 Friday Night
SJRU U11 Friday Night
SJRU U12 Friday NIght
SJRU Sun U10A (or B, C, D etc)
SJRU Sun U11A (or B, C, D etc)
SJRU Sun U12A (or B, C, D etc)
SJRU Sun U13A (or B, C, D etc)
SJRU Sun U14A (or B, C, D etc)
SJRU Sun U15A (or B, or C)
SJRU Sun U16A (or B, or C)
SJRU Sun Opens

To See the Ladders:

Go to
Click in Find Competition and type in your Competition name:
ie SJRU U10 Friday Night
SJRU U11 Friday Night
SJRU U12 Friday NIght
SJRU Sun U10A (or B, C, D etc)
SJRU Sun U11A (or B, C, D etc)
SJRU Sun U12A (or B, C, D etc)
SJRU Sun U13A (or B, C, D etc)
SJRU Sun U14A (or B, C, D etc)
SJRU Sun U15A (or B, or C)
SJRU Sun U16A (or B, or C)
SJRU Sun Opens

Download the App

Go to the App Store for either Apple or Google and download the Rugby Xplorer App

  1. Open the App (please note that as of April 2019 the Match Day App (for scoring) and the Rugby Xplorer App can NOT be opened at the same time.  You must close all Apps before opening the 2nd app.
  2. Select Teams (at the bottom)
  3. Select Add a Team (at the top)
  4. Select Community Team
  5. Type in your Club and team name eg Uxx Club ie U16 Hills, U11 Dural Blue and this will search for your team.
  6. Click on the + box to add this team to your list.  Select as many teams as you want
  7. Scroll to the bottom and Click on Save
  8. Click on Comps (at the bottom)
  9. At the top it defaults to Super Rugby  – click on Super Rugby and the Comps appear at the bottom.
  10. Scroll to your team and press Done.
  11. It defaults to Fixtures & Results, click on Ladder to see the Ladder.  Click on the < or > to change Rounds (though some comps are not displaying correctly at the moment (April)).

Note:  You can only see the Competitions of the teams that you follow.  If you want to see another Competition – then you need to follow a team in that competition.